Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine


Inflammation, is increased activity from our defensive white cells.(plus others)
This can be observed
1. Redness or increased blood flow, to skin and muscles
2. Swelling or oedema in tissues
3. Chemical mediators in the blood.

Chemical Mediators or Acute Phase Reactants
1. ESR is the erythrocyte (red cells) sedimentation rate. This is a measure of red cell stickiness, as a result of inflammatory proteins in the blood. The lower the better, zero if possible.
2. CRP or "C" reactive protein. This protein, first noticed with bacterial pnuemonia, is raised non specifically in a host of inflammatory conditions. Low is better. Generally CRP<1 corresponds to good health.
3. High levels of polynuclear white cells, in comparison to the lymphocytes.
Polnuclears, produce a host of defensive chemical mediators, needed to fight off foreign attack. Unfortunately, some of these chemicals can also damage us, the host. Lymphocytes, in contrast are a little more selective, like cruise missiles, producing antibodies, and other targeted responses. They work in concert, but can become unbalanced.
This ratio should be close to one, that is equal numbers. Chronic higher ratios, correlate with the risk of heart disease. (possibly related to the damage of inflammation, or the cause of the inflammation)

All laboritories, can measure these standard inflammatory markers. If they are raised, they indicate something is going wrong. When they lower, you are doing something right.

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