Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine

Here are the more established factors, reducing the rate of healing.

1.Older individuals.
2.Hormonal diseases
4.Poor Circulation
6.Mineral Imbalances
7.Toxic Poisoning
8.Hypoxia and lung disease
9.Renal disease
10.Liver disease

Of these,only age,is unchangeable. All of the rest are amenable to intervention and treatment.

In addition to the above list, the musculosketal system is unique for two reasons.

1.The force environment is a continuous factor affecting healing of skeletal structures
(inputs from gravity are continuous except in a buoyancy environment or outer space)
2.There is a large nervous system connection to the associative areas of the brain, allowing conscious input.

As a result, we can change the rate of healing in the musculosketal system by
1.Monitoring the force environment
2.Consciously changing movement patterns to be more satisfactory

Both of these factors are activated by Recursive Neuromodulation

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