Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine

The total number of actions or disturbances we can support is equal to:
1.The Total number of emotions
2.Multipled by the number of disturbances supported by each emotion

Although this simple analysis, would invite criticism, it is a relatively sound reference frame, for understanding human behavioural diversity.
We are able to switch emotions, and generate a whole new class of actions. That is, we are receptive to a different set of disturbances with each emotion. Disturbances themselves, can be classified into:
1.Externally generated, environmental disturbances
2.Internally generated, structural disturbances

Each disturbance has the potential to change either:
1.The external environment
2.Our internal structure, leading to a potential emotional change

External disturbances can be further classified into:
1.General environmental disturbances
2.Socially generated disturbances

We also have
1. Repeat Historical disturbances
2. Contemporary Novel disturbances

If all this resembles, complexity, you would be correct. How on earth do we stay organised for such a flow of traffic ?
Some of the answer, lies in our convergence capacity. That is, multiple disturbances can all be dealt with by the same action. We have a funnel system, which deals with a cluster of disturbances in the same way. We have developed emotions, which partitions disturbances into sets. Some of the disturbances can act as switches, moving us into another convergence set.
1000,000 disturbances= 100 emotions times 10,000 per set.
For further insight into our structure and organisation, we may need to pause and look more carefully at the structure of our environment, the ultimate generator of the disturbances we are coping with. (see Environment series )

©Copyright 2007 Dr David McGrath. All rights reserved