Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine

Unicellular cells survive by:
1.Remaining within a stable disturbance environment.
2.Disturbance selective, (resist toxic inputs, allow beneficial )

Multicellular structures, improve survival probability, for the collective by
1.Creating a stable disturbance environment for internal cells.
2.Remain Disturbance selective, in the larger environment

This means that, that for internal cells
1. The environment is secured, by its cooperative co-internal neighbours
2. The dynamic range of cellular disturbance control, only need extend to its stable neighbours

External Boundary Cells, may also modulate, environmental Disturbances, by a layer of extra cellular matrix. (fatty layer, dead cells,lacrimal film,wax )

External Disturbances, now travel through a network of cells, with a stable,but limited dynamic range. The relationship properties, of the cells, determines which disturbances are transmitted,and which are blocked. The structure either resonates or not.
Internally Generated Disturbances, will propogate, through the same pathways, as if they were generated by an external source.

Multicellular Structures, have some advantages over unicellulars. A collective response towards the environment,can be more effective.
1.In some instances, disturbances can be more controlled, in addition to passive resistance.
2.With respect to mobile multicellulars (animals), locomotion, away from an unwanted input, or unsuitable environment,becomes possible.

©Copyright 2007 Dr David McGrath. All rights reserved