Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine

Stress in an inability to deal with contemporary disturbances. Period.
This is not necessarily a bad thing, as a solution may evolve, by
2.Social Assistance
3.Trial and Error

Dealing effectively with minor stress, can protect us from much larger stressors, later on. They can act as an innoculation.

The problem arises, when the disturbance continues unsresolved. Under these circumstances, we have to dig deep, but, solutions are not as satisfactory.
2.Surgical and Chemical Support
4.Regular therapeutic interactions

Sometimes we are not aware, of ongoing stress, and therefore do not initiate sensible solutions.When this occurs, then is "strain". Strain in a physics sense,is deformation of tissues, which tends to restore equilibrium, but not correct the continuing stress. Strained tissues leads to pathology, or irreversible structural change. This, by itself,usually means an increased risk of further stress, strain and more pathology.

In simple terms, stress should not be ignored. The greater the sensitivity,and the faster corrective action is implemented,the better.

We also define stress in a social sense, as difficult or hard to control social disturbances. The usual environmental situations are
1.Friends and family
3.Social Activities

The effects of "social strain" is different from physical forces, affecting different tissues. Potential targets include the cardiovascular system (hypertension), hormonal glands, immune system, gastro-intestinal system (ulcers) , resipratory system, skin

When we talk of stress, we most often mean "social stress"

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