Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Dr David McGrath

Spine Physician

Master of Pain Medicine

Black Boxes that go "Zing"



I regard most electro-magnetic inputs as alien.

I use the "zing" expression to indicate that the inputs are outside of the usual set comprising the niche. This is in contrast to orthogonal inputs which are from a different dimension, but part of the usual input set. As we have discussed elsewhere, orthogonal inputs have a useful function as part of a convergent input or facilitator in a concordant sequence (necessary for generating the phenomena of mind).

Alien inputs are not accessible to the flow of consciousness as there is no phase relationship to other usual disturbances generated from the niche. Overall the inventors of such devices are component orientated. This approach can have benefits, such as surgery and manipulation, but science has been less than supportive in clinical trials with devices.

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